The Primary payor usually pays _______.

The Primary payor usually pays the majority or the main portion of the costs for a service or expense. To determine who the Primary payor is in a specific situation, you would need to consider the context or industry in question. For example, in healthcare, the Primary payor refers to the insurance company or program that is responsible for initially covering the medical expenses. In this case, the Primary payor may pay a percentage of the costs, while the patient (also known as the insured or their secondary insurance) would be responsible for any remaining portion.

To find out who the Primary payor is in a particular scenario, you can:

1. Check your insurance policy or healthcare plan documents: Reviewing the details of your insurance policy or healthcare plan will help you understand who the Primary payor is and what expenses they typically cover.

2. Contact your insurance company or healthcare provider: Reach out to your insurance company or healthcare provider's customer service department and inquire about the Primary payor. They will be able to provide you with accurate information regarding your specific situation.

3. Consult with professionals or experts: If you're unsure about the Primary payor and need further assistance, consider consulting with professionals who specialize in the respective industry or domain. They can guide you and provide answers based on their expertise.

Remember, the specific terms and conditions can vary depending on the context, so it's essential to refer to the relevant documents or seek assistance from the appropriate sources.