Trisha earns $17,500 per year. If she has 30% withheld for deductions,

what is the net amount of her biweekly paycheck?

17500 ÷ 26 = b (biweekly gross pay)

b(0.3) = d (deductions)

b - d = net biweekly paycheck

What do you get?


To calculate Trisha's net amount of her biweekly paycheck, we first need to determine her gross income per pay period (biweekly).

To do this, divide her annual salary by the number of pay periods in a year (52 weeks in a year / 2 weeks in a biweekly pay period):

Gross income per pay period = Annual salary / Number of pay periods per year
= $17,500 / (52/2)
= $17,500 / 26
= $673.08 (approximately)

Next, we need to calculate the amount withheld for deductions. Trisha has 30% withheld for deductions, so we multiply her gross income per pay period by 30% (0.30):

Amount withheld for deductions = Gross income per pay period * Deduction rate
= $673.08 * 0.30
= $201.93 (approximately)

Finally, to find Trisha's net amount of her biweekly paycheck, we subtract the amount withheld for deductions from her gross income per pay period:

Net amount of biweekly paycheck = Gross income per pay period - Amount withheld for deductions
= $673.08 - $201.93
= $471.15 (approximately)

Therefore, the net amount of Trisha's biweekly paycheck is approximately $471.15.