In the short story defender of the faith by philip roth,Grossbart insists on caling da sergeant 'sir'.Why doz Marx object?Is dis form of adress merely an oversight,or doz Grosbart hav sum ulterior motive?

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I have read the story, but I do not understand it.

Read some of the summaries to get the idea, and then re-read the story.

In the short story "Defender of the Faith" by Philip Roth, Grossbart insists on calling the sergeant "sir." Marx objects to this form of address because it goes against the principle of treating all soldiers as equals. To understand whether Grossbart has an ulterior motive or if it's merely an oversight, we need to closely examine the text and analyze the characters' actions and motivations.

To answer this question, you should read the story carefully and pay attention to the interactions between Grossbart and the sergeant. Look for any clues or hints that suggest Grossbart's intentions behind addressing the sergeant as "sir." Consider the context of the story and the larger themes present within it. In particular, look for instances when Grossbart may be trying to manipulate or gain favor from the sergeant.

Remember to analyze the dialogue, character attitudes, and behavior, as well as any symbolic or metaphorical elements that may shed light on the characters' motivations. By doing this, you can come to a well-supported interpretation of whether Grossbart's use of "sir" is simply an oversight or if he has a hidden motive.

It's important to approach literary analysis with an open mind and draw your conclusions based on evidence from the text. Different readers may have different interpretations, so exploring multiple perspectives can enhance your understanding of the story.