This is the first sentence of my cover letter. Should I use "for" or "at"? Or is there a better way to phrase this sentence?

I am writing to express my interest in working for [Company name]


I am writing to express my interest in working at [Company name]

I would use "for."

Both "for" and "at" can be used in this context, but there may be a more effective way to phrase the sentence. Here are a few options:

1. "I am writing to express my interest in a position with [Company name]."
This sentence makes it clear that you are interested in a specific role in the company, rather than just working in general.

2. "I am writing to express my interest in joining the team at [Company name]."
This sentence emphasizes that you want to become part of the company's team, which can convey your enthusiasm and commitment.

3. "I am writing to express my interest in contributing to [Company name]."
This sentence focuses on your desire to make a meaningful impact and contribute your skills and expertise to the company's success.

Ultimately, the choice between "for" and "at" depends on your personal preference and the specific wording that resonates best for you.