what is the formula of a compuond formed by combining 50g. of element X and 32 g. of oxygen

To determine the formula of a compound formed by combining two elements, we need to calculate the ratio between their masses. This ratio can then be used to write the chemical formula.

In this case, we have 50 grams of element X and 32 grams of oxygen. The first step is to convert these masses into moles by dividing them by the molar masses of the respective elements.

The molar mass of element X is not provided in the question, so we need additional information to proceed. Once we know the molar mass, we can calculate the number of moles of X by dividing 50 grams by the molar mass of X.

Let's assume that the molar mass of X is Mx grams/mol. Therefore, the number of moles of X (nX) is given by:

nX = 50 g / Mx

Similarly, we can calculate the number of moles of oxygen by dividing 32 grams by the molar mass of oxygen, which is approximately 16 grams/mol.

nO = 32 g / 16 g/mol = 2 mol

Now, we compare the moles of element X and oxygen. Using the smallest whole number ratio, we can determine the formula of the compound.

Let's assume the ratio of X to oxygen is a:b. Then:

nX / nO = a / b

Substituting the values calculated earlier:

(50 g / Mx) / 2 mol = a / b

To determine the formula, we need to know the molar mass of element X. Unfortunately, without that information, we cannot determine the exact formula of the compound.