How do i conjugate

Ar, Ir, and Er verbs

ar er ir

o o o
as es es
a e e
amos emos imos
ain ein is
an en in

To conjugate AR, ER, and IR verbs in Spanish, you need to follow specific patterns based on the verb ending. Here's an explanation of how to conjugate these verbs:

1. AR Verbs:
- Start with the infinitive form of the verb. For example, "hablar" (to speak).
- Remove the AR ending to find the verb's stem. In this case, the stem is "habl-".
- Add the appropriate endings to the stem, based on the subject pronoun:
- Yo (I): -o
- Tú (you): -as
- Él/Ella/Usted (he/she/you formal): -a
- Nosotros/Nosotras (we): -amos
- Vosotros/Vosotras (you all): -áis
- Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes (they/you all): -an
So, conjugating the verb "hablar" would be:
Yo hablo (I speak), tú hablas (you speak), él/ella/usted habla (he/she/you speak), nosotros/nosotras hablamos (we speak), vosotros/vosotras habláis (you all speak), ellos/ellas/ustedes hablan (they/you all speak).

2. ER Verbs:
- Follow the same process as for AR verbs, but this time using an ER verb as an example, such as "beber" (to drink).
- Remove the ER ending to find the verb's stem. In this case, the stem is "beb-".
- Add the appropriate endings to the stem:
- Yo: -o
- Tú: -es
- Él/Ella/Usted: -e
- Nosotros/Nosotras: -emos
- Vosotros/Vosotras: -éis
- Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes: -en
So, conjugating the verb "beber" would be:
Yo bebo (I drink), tú bebes (you drink), él/ella/usted bebe (he/she/you drink), nosotros/nosotras bebemos (we drink), vosotros/vosotras bebéis (you all drink), ellos/ellas/ustedes beben (they/you all drink).

3. IR Verbs:
- Follow the same process as for AR and ER verbs, using an IR verb as an example, such as "vivir" (to live).
- Remove the IR ending to find the verb's stem. In this case, the stem is "viv-".
- Add the appropriate endings to the stem:
- Yo: -o
- Tú: -es
- Él/Ella/Usted: -e
- Nosotros/Nosotras: -imos
- Vosotros/Vosotras: -ís
- Ellos/Ellas/Ustedes: -en
So, conjugating the verb "vivir" would be:
Yo vivo (I live), tú vives (you live), él/ella/usted vive (he/she/you live), nosotros/nosotras vivimos (we live), vosotros/vosotras vivís (you all live), ellos/ellas/ustedes viven (they/you all live).

Remember that mastering conjugations requires practice, as some verbs may have irregularities or variations.

Assuming you mean the Present Indicative Tense (the first tense you will learn) if they are REGULAR verbs, they will follow this pattern:

ar = yo hablo, tú hablas, él/ella/usted habla, nosostros/nosotras hablamos, vosotres/vosotras hablais, ellos/ellas/ustedes hablan.

Or, in other words, drop the "ar" ending and add: o, as, a, amos, ais, an

er = yo como, tú comes, él/ella/usted come, nosotros/nosotras comemos, vosotros/vosotras comeis, ellos/ellas/ustedes comen

OR, in other words, drop the infinitive ending "er" and add: o, es, e, emos, eis, en

-ir = yo vivo, tú vives, él/ella/usted vive, nosotros/nosotras vivimos, vosotros/vosotras vivís, ellos/ellas/ustedes viven

OR, in other words, drop the "ir" and add: o, es, e, imos, ís, en

Notice that the nosotros/nosotras form CLEARLY tells you if it is an -ar, -er, or -ir verb.


Usually 3 possible translations in English for each form: yo hablo = I speak I DO speak, I AM speakING