what three rulings can result from a case in a federal appeals court?

In a federal appeals court, there are three possible rulings that can result from a case:

1. Affirm: This means that the appellate court agrees with the decision made by the lower court. When a case is affirmed, it means that the original decision stands and will be implemented.

2. Reverse: This ruling occurs when the appellate court disagrees with the decision made by the lower court and changes it. If a case is reversed, it means that the original decision is overturned and a new decision is made.

3. Remand: This ruling happens when the appellate court sends the case back to the lower court for further proceedings. If a case is remanded, it means that the appellate court found a procedural error or a lack of sufficient evidence and feels that the lower court needs to reconsider the case with these factors in mind.

These three rulings - affirm, reverse, and remand - represent the different outcomes that can arise from a federal appeals court case.