Hi Jon!

Isn't Remarks the correct term for comments?
What page in the book in visual basic 6
do you find the term comments?
Thank you.


Regarding your first question, "remarks" and "comments" are often used interchangeably to refer to explanatory text added to a program's source code. Both terms have similar meanings and are commonly understood in the programming context.

Moving on to your second question, you are asking about the location of the term "comments" in a book about Visual Basic 6. To find this information, you will need to follow these steps:

1. Identify the specific book you are referring to. This could be the title, author's name, or any other relevant information about the book.

2. Use an online platform, such as Amazon or Google Books, to search for the book based on the information you gathered in step 1.

3. Once you have located the book, you can either search within the book using the provided search function or browse through the book's table of contents or index to find the relevant section on comments.

Please note that the availability of the book and its content may vary depending on factors such as its publication date and availability on online platforms.