keep high aspirations moderate expectations and small needs. whats does this means

It's good advice.

High aspirations means to strive to be excellent and successful in whatever you do. Believe that you can do it.

Moderate expectations means to not be disappointed if your dreams aren't completely realized. Don't expect too much of other people.

Small needs means to understand that you don't really need much. You can be happy and fulfilled without spending much money or being real popular.

The phrase "keep high aspirations, moderate expectations, and small needs" is an advice or mindset that suggests maintaining ambitious goals, while also maintaining a realistic outlook and not relying on material possessions or external factors for happiness. Here is a breakdown of what each part means:

1. "Keep high aspirations": This means having big dreams, setting ambitious goals, and striving for excellence. It encourages you to aim for success and constantly challenge yourself to achieve greater things.

2. "Moderate expectations": This means tempering your expectations and not expecting everything to go perfectly or to receive instant gratification. It advises being realistic and understanding that setbacks and obstacles are a natural part of the process. By having moderate expectations, you are less likely to get discouraged or disappointed if things don't turn out exactly as planned.

3. "Small needs": This refers to not relying on material possessions or external factors for happiness. It suggests being content with what you have and focusing more on experiences and personal growth rather than constantly seeking material comfort or wealth. By keeping your needs small, you can find satisfaction in the simple things in life and appreciate the journey towards your goals.

Overall, this mindset encourages you to have big aspirations, but to approach them with a balanced perspective by managing your expectations and finding contentment in the present moment.