one day, at the high jump mat, Lucy,a 4'4 jumper, asks Georgina, a 5' jumper."When running here,breathing doesn't really count right? I mean we're only going less than 50 meters. What difference does it make if we hold our breath?" Georgina sighs and prepares herself for a long winded discussion.

What is your question? Breathing does count?

Georgina takes a deep breath before starting her explanation to Lucy. She begins by saying, "Actually, Lucy, breathing does make a difference, even if it's just a short distance like the high jump runway. Let me explain why."

Georgina further elaborates, "When we engage in physical activities, our body needs an adequate supply of oxygen to function properly. Oxygen is necessary for our muscles to work efficiently, including those we use when running or jumping. Holding our breath restricts the amount of oxygen entering our body, which can lead to several negative consequences."

Georgina continues her explanation, "Firstly, holding your breath can increase tension in your body. It restricts blood flow and can cause muscle stiffness, making it more difficult for your muscles to work optimally. This can affect your overall performance, including your speed, agility, and ability to generate power."

She pauses for a moment and then adds, "Secondly, holding your breath can also decrease your endurance. Your body needs a continuous supply of oxygen to maintain its energy levels. Holding your breath limits this supply, which can lead to fatigue more quickly during your run or jump."

Georgina takes a breath herself before continuing, "Lastly, proper breathing techniques can help with focus and coordination. When you synchronize your breath with your movements, it can enhance your rhythm and timing. It allows your body and mind to work together, leading to better overall performance."

She concludes her explanation, "Therefore, Lucy, it's important to practice proper breathing techniques during physical activities like high jump or any other running events. Breathe naturally and avoid holding your breath, as it can have negative effects on your performance. Just remember, maintaining a steady flow of oxygen through your body helps improve your stamina, muscle function, and overall performance."

Georgina looks at Lucy, hoping that her explanation has clarified the importance of breathing during physical activities.