this is for a crossword puzzle,a visitor to a new place,one on a tour?

Not enough information.

How many letters?

Any letters crossing this word? What are they and what are their positions?

tourist, maybe?

The answer to your crossword puzzle clue, "a visitor to a new place, one on a tour," could be "tourist." If you are working on a crossword puzzle and need to find answers, there are a few steps you can take:

1. Analyze the clue: Read the clue carefully and try to identify any keywords or hints that might lead you to the answer. In this case, the keywords are "visitor," "new place," and "tour."

2. Consider the length of the answer: Crossword puzzles often provide the number of letters in the answer. Knowing the length of the word can help you narrow down the possibilities.

3. Utilize crossword solving tools: There are numerous websites and apps available that can help you find possible crossword puzzle answers. These tools allow you to input the length of the word and any known letters to generate a list of potential solutions.

4. Cross-reference with the crossword grid: Look at the intersecting words in the crossword grid. Sometimes, the letters from other words can help you complete the answer.

By following these steps, you can typically find the solution to crossword puzzle clues. Good luck with your crossword!