Two men went on a fishing trip on the gulf lo Mexico and caught 25 fish. The verbs in this phrase are "went" and "caught" right because it shows the action of what they did??

Correct! (from the verb "to go" and "to catch"


Which is right?Complete the sentencens.

Yes, you are correct. "Went" and "caught" are both verbs in the sentence. Verbs are words that indicate actions or states of being. In this case, "went" shows the action of the men traveling on a fishing trip, and "caught" shows the action of them capturing the fish.

Yes, you are correct. The verbs in the phrase "Two men went on a fishing trip on the Gulf of Mexico and caught 25 fish" are "went" and "caught." Verbs are words that express an action or a state of being. In this case, "went" shows the action of the two men going on a fishing trip, and "caught" describes the action of them catching fish. By identifying these verbs, you can better understand the actions being performed in the sentence.