Hi! could anyone help me to solve this problem please. Thank you.

Question:An electron has a speed of 0.68 c.
(a) Find the speed of a proton that has the same kinetic energy as the electron.
(b) Find the speed of a proton that has the same momentum as the electron.


Sure! I can help you solve this problem. Let's break it down into parts.

(a) To find the speed of a proton that has the same kinetic energy as the electron, we can use the equation:

KE = (1/2)mv^2

Where KE is the kinetic energy, m is the mass, and v is the velocity.

Since we want to compare the proton to the electron, we assume they have the same kinetic energy. The mass of a proton is approximately 1836 times larger than the mass of an electron. Therefore, we can write:

(1/2)(m_e)(v_e^2) = (1/2)(m_p)(v_p^2)

Simplifying the equation, we get:

(v_p^2) = (v_e^2)(m_e/m_p)

Substituting the given values: v_e = 0.68c and m_e/m_p = 1/1836, we can solve for v_p.

(b) To find the speed of a proton that has the same momentum as the electron, we can use the equation:

p = mv

Where p is the momentum, m is the mass, and v is the velocity.

Since we want to compare the proton to the electron, we assume they have the same momentum. The momentum is directly proportional to the velocity, so we can write:

(m_e)(v_e) = (m_p)(v_p)

Substituting the given values: v_e = 0.68c and m_e/m_p = 1/1836, we can solve for v_p.

So, to find the speeds of the protons, we just need to plug in the given values and solve the equations.