Sodium chloride is decomposed into the elements sodium and chlorine by means of electrical energy. How many grams of chlorine gas can be obtained from 2.50 mol NaCl?

1 mol cl2/ 2 mol nacl - Mole Ratio

2.5 mol NaCl* 1 mol Cl2/ 2 mol NaCl
=1.25 mol Cl2

1.25 mol Cl2 * 70.9g Cl2/ 1 mol Cl2
= 88.63 g Cl2

balance the chemical equation.

NaCl>> Na + 1/2 Cl2

so for 2.5mol NaCl, you get 1.25 mole of Cl2. Change that to grams


Sodium chloride is decomposed into the elements sodium and chlorine by means of

electrical energy .

NaCl rightwards arrowNa+Cl2

Balance the chemical equation. Then find the mass of chlorine gas, in grams, is obtained from the process?

To determine the number of grams of chlorine gas that can be obtained from 2.50 mol of NaCl, we need to use the stoichiometry of the reaction.

The balanced chemical equation for the decomposition of sodium chloride (NaCl) into sodium (Na) and chlorine (Cl2) is:

2 NaCl → 2 Na + Cl2

From the equation, we can see that for every 2 moles of NaCl, we obtain 1 mole of Cl2. So, we can set up a simple proportion to solve for the moles of chlorine gas:

2 moles NaCl / 1 mole Cl2 = 2.50 moles NaCl / x moles Cl2

Cross-multiplying, we get:

2 * x = 1 * 2.50
2x = 2.50
x = 2.50 / 2

Therefore, x = 1.25 moles of Cl2.

To convert moles of Cl2 to grams, we need to use the molar mass of chlorine gas (Cl2). The molar mass of chlorine is 35.45 g/mol.

So, the mass of chlorine gas can be calculated using the formula:

Mass = Moles * Molar Mass
Mass = 1.25 moles * 35.45 g/mol

Calculating this, we find:

Mass = 44.31 grams of chlorine gas

Therefore, 2.50 moles of NaCl can yield 44.31 grams of chlorine gas.