why are great numbers of students choosing to pursue their college degrees using their homw computers. Benjamin Franklin Said; A penny saved is a penny earned". This principle applies to the american and foreign online student. Today students choose to take online courses to save money on transportation, books, babysitters and supplies.

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Great numbers of students are choosing to pursue their college degrees using their home computers for a variety of reasons. One prominent reason is the cost-saving aspect, as online education allows students to minimize expenses in several areas.

Firstly, Benjamin Franklin's famous quote, "A penny saved is a penny earned," resonates with the decision to pursue an online degree. By studying from home, students can save money on transportation expenses. They don't need to commute to campus, which eliminates the need for fuel costs, parking fees, or public transportation fares.

Additionally, online students can save money on textbooks. Many online courses provide digital versions of the required reading materials, often at a lower cost compared to physical textbooks. Some courses may use online resources or open educational resources (OER), which are freely available online, thus eliminating textbook expenses altogether.

Another financial benefit of online education is the reduction in childcare expenses. By studying from home, students can often structure their learning around their family's schedule, avoiding the need to hire babysitters or pay for daycare services. This flexibility can be particularly advantageous for parents or individuals with caregiving responsibilities.

Finally, online students typically need fewer physical supplies than their traditional campus counterparts. While there may still be some costs associated with software, internet access, and specific materials for certain courses, the overall savings on supplies can be significant.

In summary, students opt for online education to save money on transportation, textbooks, childcare, and supplies. This aligns with Benjamin Franklin's notion of "a penny saved is a penny earned," as students can allocate their saved funds towards other essential expenses or future investments.