1. Refer to the following line m:

b. Name two rays on m that have endpoint B.
d. Find a simpler name for the intersection of rays BA and AC

the line m has points a b and c going on across like that on the line
would the answer be ba and bc?
what would the answer to d be?

To find two rays on line m that have endpoint B, we need to look at the line m and identify the points with B as an endpoint. In this case, since the line has points A, B, and C, the rays that have B as an endpoint are BA and BC. So, your answer for part (b) is correct, BA and BC are the two rays on line m that have endpoint B.

To find a simpler name for the intersection of rays BA and AC, we need to identify the point where these two rays meet. Looking at the names of the points given (A, B, and C), we can see that the intersection of rays BA and AC is point A itself. Therefore, the answer to part (d) would be A.