1. You recorded maximum electrostatic potential values for the ANTI and SYN conformers.

What is this value a measure of? How does this value relate to acid strength? Does the trend
seen for these values agree with the pKa value trend for both conformers?

2. For fluoroacetic acid the highest Boltzmann Distribution is when the dihedral angle is at 0°.
However, going from chloro- to bromo- and then to iodoacetic acid, there is an increasing dip
in the Boltzmann Distribution. What is responsible for this “dip”?

3. Ignoring the “dip” mentioned in #2, what is the “general” relationship between dipole and
Boltzmann Distribution for the haloacetic acids?
a. ANTI conformers have a (low/high) dipole and a (low/high) Boltzmann Distribution.
The dihedral angle is __________________.
b. The SYN conformers have a (low/high) dipole and a (low/high) Boltzmann Distribution.
The dihedral angle is __________________ .


1. The maximum electrostatic potential values for the ANTI and SYN conformers are measures of the electrostatic potential energy at certain points in the molecules. This value relates to acid strength because it indicates the electron density around the acidic proton, which affects the ease of protonation and deprotonation reactions. In general, a higher electrostatic potential value suggests higher electron density and therefore a stronger acid.

The trend seen for these values may or may not agree with the pKa value trend for both conformers. The pKa value is a measure of the acidity of a compound, and it depends on various factors such as the stability of the conjugate base and reaction kinetics. While the electrostatic potential can provide some insights into acid strength, it is not the sole determining factor. Therefore, it is possible for the trend in electrostatic potential values to agree or disagree with the pKa value trend.

2. The "dip" in the Boltzmann Distribution from chloro- to bromo- and then to iodoacetic acid is primarily caused by the increasing size and atomic weight of the halogens. As the halogen atom gets larger and heavier, it introduces more steric hindrance and repulsive interactions with adjacent atoms or groups in the molecule. This hinders the rotation around the dihedral angle, resulting in fewer accessible conformations and lower Boltzmann weights at certain angles.

3. a. For the haloacetic acids, the general relationship between dipole and Boltzmann Distribution is as follows:
- ANTI conformers have a high dipole and a low Boltzmann Distribution.
- The dihedral angle is generally close to 180° for ANTI conformers.

b. On the other hand, the SYN conformers have a low dipole and a high Boltzmann Distribution.
- The dihedral angle is generally close to 0° for SYN conformers.

These trends indicate that the ANTI conformers, with their high dipoles and a limited number of stable conformations, tend to have lower populations and lower Boltzmann weights at any given temperature. Conversely, the SYN conformers, with their low dipoles and larger number of stable conformations, have higher populations and higher Boltzmann weights.

1. The maximum electrostatic potential values for the ANTI and SYN conformers are measures of the electrostatic potential energy at a specific point or region in the molecule. It provides information about the distribution of charge within the molecule, with high values indicating regions of high positive or negative charge.

The electrostatic potential values can be related to acid strength through the concept of partial positive or negative charges. In general, a higher positive electrostatic potential value indicates a more positive charge, which corresponds to a greater likelihood of proton donation and thus stronger acidity. Conversely, a higher negative electrostatic potential value indicates a greater negative charge, which corresponds to a greater likelihood of proton acceptance and thus stronger basicity.

The trend seen in the electrostatic potential values may or may not agree with the pKa value trend for both conformers. The pKa value is a measure of acidity, specifically the tendency to donate a proton. It depends not only on the electrostatic potential, but also on other factors such as molecular structure and the stability of the resulting conjugate base. Therefore, it is possible that the trend in electrostatic potential values aligns with the pKa trend, but further analysis is needed to confirm this.

2. The increasing dip in the Boltzmann Distribution from chloro- to bromo- and then to iodoacetic acid is likely caused by the gradual increase in the size of the halogen atoms. As the size of the halogen atom increases, the steric hindrance between the halogen atom and the surrounding atoms also increases. This steric hindrance can create additional energy barriers that restrict the movement of the molecule, leading to a dip in the Boltzmann Distribution at certain dihedral angles.

3. a. For the ANTI conformers in haloacetic acids, they generally have a low dipole moment and a low Boltzmann Distribution. The dihedral angle is typically around 0°, indicating that the molecule is in a more stable, aligned conformation.

b. In contrast, the SYN conformers in haloacetic acids generally have a high dipole moment and a high Boltzmann Distribution. The dihedral angle is typically around 180°, indicating that the molecule is in a less stable, staggered conformation.

It is important to note that these general relationships may vary depending on the specific haloacetic acid and its molecular structure.