I can figure out the rule for this table

INPUT 0 3 6 9 12
OUTPUT 600 540 480 420 360

it means

Output= 600- 20*input

input: +3

Output -60

To figure out the rule for this table, we need to examine the relationship between the input and output values.

Looking at the input values, we can observe that they increase by increments of 3: 0, 3, 6, 9, 12.

Now let's examine the output values. We see that they decrease by increments of 60: 600, 540, 480, 420, 360.

To find the rule, we need to determine how the input values relate to the output values. In this case, the output values are obtained by multiplying the corresponding input values by 60 and then subtracting a constant value.

To find the constant value, we can divide the first output value by the first input value: 600 รท 0 = undefined. This tells us that there is no constant value to subtract.

Therefore, the rule for this table is:

In other words, to find the output value, multiply the input value by 60.