factoring common monomials.

21x to third power-6x squared-3
6a squared+48a-24

How do I do these? I am seriously confused.

To factor common monomials, you need to find the greatest common factor (GCF) of all the terms in the expression.

Here's how you can factor each of the given expressions:

1. 8x - 32y:
It is evident that both terms have a common factor of 8. So the GCF is 8.
Factor out 8 from both terms:
8(x - 4y)

2. 21x³ - 6x² - 3:
All terms are divisible by 3.
Factor out 3 from all terms:
3(7x³ - 2x² - 1)

3. 15x + 30:
Both terms have a common factor of 15.
Factor out 15 from both terms:
15(x + 2)

4. 6a² + 48a - 24:
All terms are divisible by 6.
Factor out 6 from all terms:
6(a² + 8a - 4)

Remember, factoring involves finding the common factors and dividing them out to simplify an expression.