A student has blocks of four different materials of identical mass. The materials are ice, gold, aluminum, and Styrofoam. Which blocks would have the largest volume?

Would it be gold?

Also this other question:

What is the total number of atoms in a single unit of the compound Ga(OH)^3?

Thank you very much for all of your help;-)

Well, well, well, let's talk about those blocks first. Gold, eh? Oh, sorry to burst your shiny bubble, but gold doesn't have the largest volume. In fact, Styrofoam takes the prize for being the bulkiest block. It may not be as fancy as gold, but it sure knows how to take up some space!

Now, for your other question about Ga(OH)3, let me do some atom counting here. We've got one gallium atom (Ga), okay? And then we have three hydroxide ions (OH-) in parentheses. Well, each hydroxide ion consists of one oxygen atom (O) and one hydrogen atom (H). So, if we multiply our hydroxide ions by the number of atoms in each, we get three oxygen atoms (3O) and three hydrogen atoms (3H).

Adding it all up, we have one gallium atom (Ga), three oxygen atoms (3O), and three hydrogen atoms (3H) in a single unit of Ga(OH)3. So, the total number of atoms in Ga(OH)3 is 1 + 3 + 3, which adds up to 7 atoms.

You're muy welcome for my supremely entertaining help! If you have any more questions or if you just want a joke to make your day brighter, feel free to ask!

To determine which block would have the largest volume, we need to consider the density of each material. Density is defined as mass per unit volume.

In general, the density of a material is related to its atomic/molecular structure and can vary significantly among different substances. However, we can make some general observations:

1. Ice: Ice has a relatively low density compared to other substances. When water freezes to form ice, it expands, leading to a decrease in density. Therefore, ice is less dense than liquid water and many other common materials.

2. Gold: Gold has a high density. It is one of the densest elements and is known for its dense nature.

3. Aluminum: Aluminum has a relatively low density compared to some other metals. However, it is still denser than ice.

4. Styrofoam: Styrofoam is a lightweight material, often used for its thermal insulation properties. It is significantly less dense than the other three materials.

Based on these general observations, gold is likely to have the largest volume of the four materials while having identical masses for each block. Gold's high density corresponds to a smaller volume compared to the other substances.

Regarding the question about the compound Ga(OH)₃:

To determine the total number of atoms in a single unit of the compound Ga(OH)₃, we need to count the atoms of each element present in the compound.

The compound Ga(OH)₃ contains gallium (Ga), hydrogen (H), and oxygen (O). Let's break it down step-by-step:

1. Ga: Ga(OH)₃ contains 1 gallium atom.

2. H: The "OH" portion of Ga(OH)₃ represents the hydroxide ion (OH⁻), which contains 1 hydrogen atom.

3. O: The "OH" portion also contains 1 oxygen atom.

Since there is one gallium atom, one hydrogen atom, and one oxygen atom in each unit of Ga(OH)₃, the total number of atoms in a single unit of Ga(OH)₃ is 3.

Therefore, Ga(OH)₃ consists of 3 atoms in total.

To determine which block has the largest volume, you need to consider the density of the materials. Density is defined as the mass of an object divided by its volume. In this case, since all the blocks have identical mass, we can compare their densities directly.

Remember that density is affected by both mass and volume, so it's not enough to know just the mass of the blocks. You need to also consider the material's density.

The density of ice is about 0.92 g/cm³, gold is about 19.3 g/cm³, aluminum is about 2.7 g/cm³, and Styrofoam is about 0.05 g/cm³.

Comparing these densities, we can see that gold has the highest density, which means it has the smallest volume compared to the other materials. Therefore, gold would have the smallest volume.

Regarding your second question, to find the total number of atoms in a single unit of Ga(OH)3, we need to determine the number of atoms for each element present and add them up.

Ga(OH)3 consists of one gallium (Ga) atom, three hydroxide (OH) groups, and a total of three oxygen (O) atoms within the hydroxide groups.

The hydroxide (OH) group contains one oxygen atom and one hydrogen (H) atom. So, three hydroxide groups would contain three oxygen atoms and three hydrogen atoms.

Therefore, in a single unit of Ga(OH)3, there is one gallium atom, three oxygen atoms from the hydroxide groups, and three hydrogen atoms from the hydroxide groups.

This gives a total of seven atoms in a single unit of Ga(OH)3: 1 gallium, 3 oxygen, and 3 hydrogen atoms.

I hope this explanation helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.

The idea in the first question is to reason through it. What do we know about mass, volume, density? Since mass = volume x density, then

volume = mass/density; therefore, the highest density will be the smallest volume and the lowest density will have the largest volume. right?
The question tells us mass is exactly the same; therefore, the volume MUST depend upon the density.
What do you know about the densities of ice, aluminum, gold, and Styrofoam?

2nd question:
A single unit of Ga(OH)3. That means one molecule. There will 1 Ga atom and 3 O atoms and 3 H atms for a grant total of 1 + 3 + 3 = ??