if you have a pizza with a diameter of 20 that is cut equally into 4 pieces, one way horizontal and one way vertical. how do i figure out where to place 2 non-center vertical cuts so that the pizza has 8 equal parts?

i found the area for the circle to be 314.159 (divided by 8 = 39.269) i did the integral from 0 to x of sqrt(100-x^2) = 39.269 and tried to solve for x. i get a negative answer.

how do i solve this problem?

To solve the problem, you need to find the location for the two non-center vertical cuts on the pizza so that it is divided into 8 equal parts.

First, let's calculate the area of each part. The area of the pizza with a diameter of 20 is calculated using the formula A = πr^2, where r is the radius. Given that the diameter is 20, the radius (r) is 10. Thus, the area of the pizza is A = π(10)^2 = 100π.

Since the pizza is divided into 8 equal parts, each part should have an area of 100π/8 = 12.5π.

To find the location of the vertical cuts, imagine the pizza as a coordinate system with the center at the origin (0, 0). The vertical cuts will be represented as lines with their equations in the form x = a and x = b, where "a" and "b" represent the positions of the cuts along the x-axis.

To divide the pizza equally, each segment between the vertical cuts should have an area of 12.5π. Set up the integral to find the area of each segment:

∫[a,b] sqrt(100 - x^2) dx = 12.5π.

Now, let's solve this equation step by step:

1. Substitute the limits of integration [a, b] into the integral and solve:

∫[a,b] sqrt(100 - x^2) dx = 12.5π

2. Integrate the left side of the equation:

[-0.5x√(100-x^2) + 50arcsin(x/10)] ∣[a,b] = 12.5π

3. Evaluate the definite integral at the limits of integration:

(-0.5b√(100-b^2) + 50arcsin(b/10)) - (-0.5a√(100-a^2) + 50arcsin(a/10)) = 12.5π

Since we want to find two cuts that divide the pizza into 8 equal parts, we can rewrite the equation as:

(-0.5b√(100-b^2) + 50arcsin(b/10)) - (-0.5a√(100-a^2) + 50arcsin(a/10)) = 25π.

4. Now, we need to solve the equation for the unknowns, "a" and "b."

Note: This equation might not have an analytical solution, and hence, you may need to use numerical methods or approximation techniques to solve it.

You mentioned trying to solve the equation using an integral and obtaining a negative answer. It is possible that you made an error during the calculation. Double-check your steps and ensure there are no mistakes in algebraic manipulations, trigonometric substitutions, or handling of square roots.

If the equation seems challenging to solve analytically, consider using numerical methods like root-finding algorithms (e.g., Newton's method) or approximation techniques (e.g., bisection method) to estimate the values of "a" and "b" that satisfy the equation.

Remember that the goal is to find the coordinates along the x-axis where the two vertical cuts should be placed to divide the pizza into 8 equal parts.