I have to write a research paper on genetic engineering. This is what I have so far, but it's too short. My paper has to be at least 3 pages long (double spaced) and this makes only one and a half pages. Please give me some links from which I can add more information to my paper to make it longer, plus give me suggestions on how to make my paper better. I also need to write a beginning that will grab readers' attention, so please also help with that! Thankssss

Genetic engineering is a technology in which the genome of a living cell is modified for medical or industrial use. It’s used in our everyday life in agriculture, medicine, and industry.

Today, genetic altering can prevent and treat diseases, and improve food. Perhaps in the future, genetic defects in female cells can be changed, such as the reinsertion of correct genes.

Genetic engineering techniques have been successful many times. For example, crop plants can be genetically engineered to have favorable characteristics, including improved yields and resistance to herbicides and destructive pests. Genetically engineered growth hormones increase milk production in dairy cows and weight gain in cattle and hogs. Cloning has also been effective. In 1997, a lamb named Dolly was successfully cloned. Transgenic animals can be cloned and used to make proteins that are useful in medicine.

Genetic engineering can improve life by giving us more nutritious crops and animals, with improved characteristics. It can be used to manufacture human proteins for use as drugs and to make safer and more effective vaccines. Some human genetic disorders are also being treated with gene therapy.

Even though genetic engineering can improve our life in many ways, it also has some risk factors. Many people, including scientists, have expressed concern that genetically modified crops might turn out to be dangerous. Some food crops such as corn and soybeans have been genetically rendered resistant to a weed killer named glyphosate that is harmless to humans. When used on a food crop, it will kill the weeds but not harm the crop, increasing food crop yields. Some scientists are concerned that the use of GM crops and the use of glyphosate will eventually lead to glyphosate-resistant weeds, which will leave farmers with few alternatives. Also, GM foods can increase the risk of allergic reactions by transferring allergens from one food to another -- and without labeling, the avoidance of potential allergens becomes a dangerous crop shoot. Lastly, Fresh-looking, brightly colored GE foods may actually be weeks old, with compromised nutritional value. Even FDA scientists warned the agency that genetic engineering could result in "undesirable alteration in the level of nutrients" of GE foods.


To add more information to your research paper on genetic engineering and make it longer, you can consider including the following points:

1. Types of genetic engineering techniques: Explore and explain various techniques used in genetic engineering, such as recombinant DNA technology, CRISPR-Cas9, and gene editing.

2. Applications in medicine and healthcare: Discuss specific examples of how genetic engineering is used in medical research and treatment, such as gene therapy, personalized medicine, and the development of genetically modified organisms for drug production.

3. Ethical considerations: Address the ethical dilemmas associated with genetic engineering, discussing topics such as designer babies, gene editing on embryos, and the potential for creating genetically modified humans.

4. Environmental impacts: Discuss the environmental concerns related to genetic engineering, including the potential for unintended consequences on ecosystems, biodiversity, and the spread of genetically modified organisms into the wild.

5. Social and economic implications: Explore the social and economic impacts of genetic engineering, including issues of access to healthcare and unequal distribution of genetic advancements.

To find more information, you can refer to these credible sources:

1. National Human Genome Research Institute: https://www.genome.gov/10001772
This website provides comprehensive information on genetic engineering and its applications. It contains articles, publications, and research papers that can help you expand your knowledge and include more details in your paper.

2. Biotechnology Innovation Organization: https://www.bio.org/what-biotechnology
This website provides insights into the field of biotechnology, including genetic engineering. You can find news, reports, and case studies that can enhance your paper.

Regarding your beginning, here's a suggestion to grab readers' attention:

"Imagine a world where diseases can be prevented or cured by altering our very own genetic code. A world where crops are resilient to pests and can withstand harsh weather conditions, ensuring a stable food supply for future generations. Welcome to the realm of genetic engineering, a groundbreaking technology that has revolutionized agriculture, medicine, and industry."

By starting with a thought-provoking scenario, you can capture the readers' attention and introduce the broad applications and potential impact of genetic engineering.

Remember to rephrase and integrate the additional information into your paper to maintain a coherent flow. Additionally, ensure you properly cite and reference any sources you use.

To expand your research paper on genetic engineering and further develop your ideas, you can start by including more specific examples and providing evidence from reputable sources. Here are some suggestions for additional information and resources:

1. Benefits of genetic engineering:
- Explain how genetic engineering improves crop yield and quality. You can find information on genetically modified crops and their advantages from the website of the International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA) at https://www.isaaa.org
- Describe the advancements in medical treatments using genetic engineering, such as gene therapy. The National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) provides insights into the use of gene therapy for different diseases. Their website is https://www.genome.gov

2. Ethical and safety concerns:
- Discuss the potential risks associated with genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The World Health Organization (WHO) has a comprehensive guide on GM foods and their safety at https://www.who.int/foodsafety/areas_work/food-technology/faq-genetically-modified-food/en
- Explore the ethical considerations surrounding genetic engineering, including concerns about playing with nature and the potential for misuse. The Hastings Center is a bioethics research institute that offers various resources on the ethics of genetic engineering. Check out their website at https://www.thehastingscenter.org

In terms of improving your paper, you can consider the following suggestions:

1. Strengthen your introduction:
- Begin your paper with an attention-grabbing hook, such as a thought-provoking question or a surprising fact. For example, "Imagine a world where we could eliminate genetic diseases and increase the quality of our food through scientific manipulation."
- Provide some background information on genetic engineering to engage your readers and give them context for your research.

2. Develop your arguments:
- Expand on your points about genetic engineering's applications in agriculture, medicine, and industry. Elaborate on how specific genetic engineering techniques are being used in each field and their potential impact on society.
- Use specific examples and evidence to support your claims. Refer to scientific studies, expert opinions, or case studies to strengthen your arguments.

3. Consider counterarguments:
- Acknowledge opposing viewpoints regarding the risks and limitations of genetic engineering. This will demonstrate that you have considered different perspectives and make your paper more balanced.
- Address these counterarguments and explain why you believe the benefits of genetic engineering outweigh the risks.

Remember to cite your sources properly using a recognized citation style (e.g., APA, MLA) and proofread your paper for clarity, grammar, and organization.

Good luck with your research paper!