trapezoidabcd is similar trapezoid efgh the ratio of the perimeter is 7/3. if the area of is 82. what is the area of trapezoid efgh

I assume that 82 is area of abcd.

7/3 = 82/x

Solve for x.

what is the area of trapezoid efgh base=6m height=3

To find the area of trapezoid EFHG, we first need to determine the ratio of the lengths of the corresponding sides of the two trapezoids. Since the ratio of their perimeters is given as 7/3, we can conclude that the ratio of their corresponding sides is also 7/3.

Now, let's denote the lengths of the corresponding sides of trapezoid ABCD and trapezoid EFHG as follows:

AB = 7x (length of the longer base of ABCD)
CD = 3x (length of the shorter base of ABCD)
EF = 7y (length of the longer base of EFHG)
GH = 3y (length of the shorter base of EFHG)

To find the area of trapezoid EFHG, we need to determine the value of y.

From the similarity of the trapezoids, the ratio of the lengths of the corresponding bases must be equal to the ratio of the corresponding heights. Therefore, we can set up the equation:

AB / EF = CD / GH

Replacing the values, we get:

7x / 7y = 3x / 3y

Simplifying, we find:

x = y

Since the ratio is equal, we can let x = y = k, where k is a common factor. Now we can find the value of k.

82 represents the area of trapezoid ABCD. The formula to find the area of a trapezoid is:

Area = ((b1 + b2) * h) / 2

Substituting the values, we can write the equation:

82 = ((7x + 3x) * h) / 2

Simplifying, we find:

82 = (10x * h) / 2

82 = 5xh

At this point, we substitute x with k:

82 = 5kh

To find the value of k, we need the value of h. Unfortunately, the height is not given in the problem statement. Without the height, we cannot determine the value of k or the area of trapezoid EFHG.