Can you help me put the following events in order:

-hitler declares austria part of germany
-naie terrorize jewish on "kristallnacht
-france and GB agree to defend Poland
-hitler and stalin sign a friendship treaty
-the leaders of GB, France, Italy and Germany meet
-nazi death camps shocks the world
-appeasement on the sudetenland is agreed upon
-the treaty of versailles establishes the polish corridor
-hitler demands that poland give back danzig
-hitler demands control of the sudetenland

You can find the dates of most of these by copying the event text into Google.

Certainly! To put these events in chronological order, we can follow these steps:

1. Start by identifying specific dates or years associated with each event. This will allow us to establish a timeline.

2. Look for any historical references or information that can help us determine the order in which the events occurred.

3. Based on the information gathered, arrange the events in sequential order, from the earliest to the latest.

Here is the chronological order of the events you listed:

1. The Treaty of Versailles establishes the Polish Corridor.
2. Hitler demands control of the Sudetenland.
3. Appeasement on the Sudetenland is agreed upon.
4. Hitler demands that Poland give back Danzig.
5. Hitler declares Austria part of Germany.
6. The leaders of GB, France, Italy, and Germany meet.
7. France and GB agree to defend Poland.
8. Hitler and Stalin sign a friendship treaty.
9. Naie terrorize Jewish on "Kristallnacht".
10. Nazi death camps shock the world.

By following these steps, we can organize the events in a logical chronological order.