explain why krypton can form compounds with other elements, but neon cannot

Krypton is a larger molecule and the possibility of instantaneous dipole-induced dipole forces are better/stronger.

Krypton and neon are both noble gases, meaning they belong to Group 18 of the periodic table and have full valence electron shells. This makes them highly stable and unreactive, which is why they are commonly known as inert gases.

However, krypton is slightly more reactive than neon due to its larger atomic size. The larger atomic size of krypton allows for its outermost electron shell to be more shielded from the positive charge of the nucleus, making it easier for krypton to lose or gain electrons and form compounds.

To fully answer your question, we need to consider the concept of electronegativity. Electronegativity is a measure of an atom's ability to attract and hold onto electrons. The noble gases have very low electronegativity values, indicating their weak ability to attract electrons.

Neon has the lowest electronegativity value of all the elements, which means it has the weakest ability to attract electrons and thus form compounds. Its complete valence electron shell gives neon a very stable electron configuration, making it extremely unlikely to react with other elements.

On the other hand, while krypton also has a low electronegativity value, it is slightly higher than neon's. This means that krypton has a slightly higher ability to attract electrons. Krypton is larger and has an additional electron shell compared to neon, allowing it to participate in certain types of chemical reactions and form compounds with other elements under certain conditions.

In summary, while both krypton and neon are inert gases and generally unreactive, krypton is slightly more reactive than neon due to its larger atomic size and higher electronegativity. These factors allow krypton to form compounds with other elements, whereas neon remains chemically unreactive.