What is the difference of the words? How do you pronounce "can' and "can't"?

1. I can do it.
2. I can't do it.

(How do we distinguish the difference? Would you like to explain it?)

You can distinguish the difference between them, by changing can't to cannot, which is more formal way of writing it in literature. Can't is pronounced as Kant.

Can't is a contraction of the two words CAN NOT; therefore:

"I can't do it" is the same as saying
"I can not do it."

Sure, I can explain it. The difference between the words "can" and "can't" lies in their pronunciation and their meanings.

1. "Can" is pronounced as "kan" (/kæn/) using a short vowel sound like the word "ran." This word indicates the ability or possibility of doing something. In the sentence "I can do it," it means that the person has the capability or permission to perform the task mentioned.

2. "Can't" is short for "cannot" and is pronounced as "kan't" (/kænt/). The pronunciation carries a similar sound to "can," but with a subtle "t" sound at the end. The word "can't" is a contraction and it means the opposite of "can." In the sentence "I can't do it," it indicates that the person is unable or prohibited from doing the task mentioned.

To distinguish between "can" and "can't" in written form, you can observe the presence of the apostrophe and the letter "t." The apostrophe in "can't" shows that it is a contraction of "cannot." Therefore, if you see the apostrophe and the letter "t," it means that the word is "can't," which indicates the inability or prohibition of doing something. If there is no apostrophe or "t," it means that the word is "can," indicating the ability or possibility.