On a map 1/2 an inch represents 250ft. What is the distance represented by 3 1/2 inches?

3.5 / 0.5 = 7

7 * 250 = ?

To find the distance represented by 3 1/2 inches on the map, we can use a proportion.

The given information tells us that 1/2 inch on the map represents 250 feet in real life. We can set up a proportion with this information:

1/2 inch on the map = 250 feet in real life
3 1/2 inches on the map = x feet in real life

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply and solve for x:

(1/2 inch) * (x feet) = (3 1/2 inches) * (250 feet)

Next, we can solve for x by multiplying both sides of the equation:

(1/2) * x = (7/2) * 250

Simplifying the equation further:

x/2 = (7 * 250)/2

Now, we can solve for x by multiplying both sides of the equation by 2:

x = (7 * 250)

Calculating the value of x:

x = 1,750

Therefore, 3 1/2 inches on the map represents a distance of 1,750 feet in real life.