Write a 200-to 300-word response to the following:

Assume you are a teacher who would like to address a technology issue at your school. Many of the studnets' textbooks provide Web links for engaging enrichment activities. Each classroom has five computers, but there is only one computer connected to the Internet per room and the computers are all at least five years old. Your peers, studnets, and their parents all support your desire to increase Internet access in the classroom for instructional purposes.
What would you have to do to increase Internet access? List the steps you would have to take or who you would have to contact to have this change take place in the classrooms at your school.
Address each level (starting from your school site) that would need to be involved within the administrative structure pictured on p. 275 of the text.
Format your paper according to APA standards
I would have to write a letter to the Board of Education asking if we have the funding to increase the Internet access in every classroom so that all the computers in every classroom would have access to the Internet.
Here is the steps that I would have to take.
1. Begin with your Department chair
2. Next, the administration (usually a vice president is in charge of several department, before you can approach the principal)
3. After that the District, the superintendent, the Board
4. You will want to enlist the support of the parents because they will attend the Board meeting.
Am I right? And Am I going in the right direction for this paper. Can you help me.

The Board will not answer your letter. You are just a teacher, the board talks to the superintendent. THe superintendent will eat your heart out for writing a letter to the school board without going through him. Then your principal will have words with you that you will not forget.

What is wrong with my previous recommendation: work on parent support first? Let the parents do the eyeball to eyeball contact with the politicians?

I am confused on this assignment. You tell me that I am doing this wrong, so please help me understand it.

identify intrinsic and extensic rewards i teaching

Your steps are in the right direction, but there are a few additional considerations to make your response more complete. Here is a revised version of the steps you would need to take to increase internet access in the classrooms at your school:

1. Begin with your Department Chair: Discuss the need for increased internet access in the classroom and gather support from your fellow teachers and department members. Prepare a proposal outlining the benefits of increased internet access for instructional purposes.

2. Approach the Administration: Schedule a meeting with the Vice Principal or the person in charge of technology at your school. Present your proposal and emphasize how increased internet access will enhance student learning and engagement. Offer to assist in any necessary preparations or research.

3. Engage with the District Level: Contact the District Technology Coordinator or the person responsible for technology integration in your district. Discuss the current internet infrastructure and seek their guidance on potential funding sources or grant opportunities to support the upgrade.

4. Involve the Superintendent: Request a meeting with the Superintendent to further advocate for increased internet access in the classrooms. Provide data or case studies highlighting successful implementations of technology in other schools or districts. Emphasize the support from your peers, students, and parents.

5. Present to the Board of Education: Attend a Board of Education meeting to present your proposal. Prepare a concise presentation summarizing the need for increased internet access, its anticipated benefits, and potential funding sources. Share testimonials from students, parents, and colleagues who support the initiative.

6. Engage Parents: Communicate with parents through newsletters, parent-teacher conferences, or school events. Seek their support by explaining how increased internet access will enhance their children's educational experience. Encourage them to attend the Board meeting to show unified support.

By following these steps, you are ensuring that your proposal is presented to the appropriate individuals at each level of the administrative structure, starting from your school site. Remember to format your paper according to APA standards, including proper citations and references if necessary. Good luck with your paper!