Since I was hungry again in an hour, I went to Whataburger.


my answer coordination

I vote for subordination.

The sentence begins with a subordinate clause.

Yes, your answer is correct. The word "coordination" refers to the act of organizing and arranging things in a harmonious and efficient manner. In the given sentence, the fact that you went to Whataburger an hour after being hungry again suggests a coordinated action, where your hunger and decision to visit the restaurant were in sync. The other options, secular, religious, and subordination, do not accurately describe the situation presented in the sentence.

To determine the correct answer between secular, religious, subordination, and coordination, we need to understand the context and meaning of the given sentence.

In the sentence "Since I was hungry again in an hour, I went to Whataburger," we can see a cause-and-effect relationship between being hungry again and going to Whataburger. This indicates a logical connection or coordination between the two events.

Coordination refers to joining two or more independent clauses or phrases of equal importance using coordinating conjunctions like "and," "but," or "or." In this sentence, the cause (being hungry again) and the effect (going to Whataburger) are presented as equal and related ideas.

Therefore, your answer of coordination is correct.