Question 11

He brought home a new car - large, fire-engine red, fast, and which he could not afford.
unclear pronoun reference
lack of parallelism
mixed metaphor

my answer

c. mixed metaphor


oh its a unclear pronoun reference

so I am correct

To determine the correct answer to this question, we need to identify the mistake made in the sentence. Let's analyze the options given:

a. unclear pronoun reference: This refers to a situation where the pronoun in the sentence does not clearly refer to a specific noun. However, in the sentence given, there is no pronoun being used, so this option does not apply.

b. lack of parallelism: This refers to a grammatical error where a series of similar items in a sentence is not presented in a parallel structure. However, the sentence provided does not include a series of similar items, so this option does not apply.

c. mixed metaphor: A mixed metaphor occurs when two or more different metaphors are used in the same sentence or context, resulting in confusion or inconsistency. In the given sentence, the phrase "large, fire-engine red, fast" does not involve any metaphors. Instead, it describes the attributes of the new car. Therefore, option c is not the correct answer.

d. simile: A simile is a figure of speech that compares two unlike things using "like" or "as." However, in the given sentence, there is no comparison being made using "like" or "as." Hence, option d is not the correct answer.

After analyzing all the options, we can conclude that none of them correctly identify the mistake in the sentence. Therefore, the correct answer may be none of the above.