what is culture?

Check the many definitions in this dictionary.


Culture is shared beliefs and values of group.

It is the beliefs, customs, practices, and social behavior of a particular nation or people.

You should search on the internet to find out more about culture.

Culture refers to the ideas, beliefs, values, customs, practices, and behaviors shared by a group of people within a particular society or community. It encompasses the way people think, express themselves, and interact with one another. Culture is passed down from generation to generation and shapes individuals' identity and worldview.

To gain a deeper understanding of culture, you can follow these steps:

1. Research: Start by reading books, scholarly articles, or online resources that delve into the topic of culture. This will provide you with a foundation of knowledge about the subject.

2. Cultural Anthropology: Explore the field of cultural anthropology, which studies human cultures. Anthropologists conduct in-depth research by observing, interviewing, and immersing themselves in different communities to understand their cultural practices.

3. Sociological Perspective: Sociologists analyze culture within the broader context of social structures, institutions, and group dynamics. Studying sociological perspectives will provide insights into how culture is influenced by factors such as class, race, gender, and power dynamics.

4. Cultural Studies: Cultural studies examines culture as a dynamic and evolving entity, emphasizing its relationship with media, literature, art, and popular culture. Exploring this interdisciplinary field can help you understand how culture intersects with various aspects of society.

5. Personal Interaction: Engage with people from different cultural backgrounds firsthand. By interacting with individuals from diverse cultures, you can learn about their traditions, customs, and practices directly from the source.

6. Travel and Immersion: Traveling to different regions or countries allows you to experience different cultures firsthand. Immersing yourself in local customs, traditions, and daily life can provide a deeper appreciation and understanding of cultural differences.

Remember, culture is a vast and complex subject, encompassing a wide range of elements and perspectives. By actively seeking knowledge, engaging with diverse communities, and exploring various academic disciplines, you can develop a comprehensive understanding of culture.