This is set up for my interview class and I just need some help .. please and thank you.

You are encountered with a guest who is upset and clearly has a complaint.. what do you do?


You see a co-worker receiving food without paying for it.. what do you do?

For the first situation, I'd listen carefully, take notes, and try to calm down the guest. Then I'd take appropriate action.

What do you think about the second situation?

To effectively answer these interview questions, you can follow the STAR method, which stands for Situation, Task, Action, and Result. Here's how you can tackle each question:

1. Dealing with an upset guest:
- Situation: Start by explaining the scenario. For example, you are working in a customer service role and encounter a guest who is visibly upset and has a complaint.
- Task: Explain what your role or responsibility is in this situation. It could be to address the guest's concerns and find a suitable resolution.
- Action: Outline the steps you would take to handle the situation. Here is a suggested approach:
- Listen actively: Give the guest your full attention, acknowledging their emotions and concerns.
- Empathize: Show understanding and empathy towards their frustration or dissatisfaction.
- Apologize: Offer a sincere apology for any inconvenience caused, ensuring the guest feels heard.
- Investigate: Ask questions to gather more information and understand the issue from their perspective.
- Problem-solving: Propose potential solutions or alternatives to address their complaint.
- Escalation: If necessary, involve a supervisor or manager to resolve the issue if you are unable to assist further.
- Result: Conclude by describing a positive outcome, such as resolving the complaint to the guest's satisfaction, turning their negative experience into a positive one, and maintaining a good relationship with the customer.

2. Witnessing a co-worker receiving food without paying:
- Situation: Describe the setting where you witness a co-worker receiving food without paying for it.
- Task: Clearly communicate what you believe your responsibility is in such a situation, such as adhering to company policies and maintaining an ethical work environment.
- Action: Explain the steps you would take in these circumstances. Here is a suggested approach:
- Assess the situation: Gather evidence by double-checking if the co-worker has actually not paid for the food.
- Report to a manager: If you confirm the co-worker has not paid, notify a supervisor or manager in a discreet manner, sharing the details of what you observed.
- Remain professional: Avoid discussing the situation with other colleagues or making accusations without proper evidence.
- Cooperate with investigations: Offer any support or additional information required during the investigation by the relevant parties.
- Respect confidentiality: Maintain confidentiality throughout the process to protect the privacy of individuals involved.
- Result: Conclude by emphasizing the importance of maintaining a strong work ethic and promoting a fair and honest work environment.

Remember, these are general guidelines, and you can tailor your response based on your own experiences and values.