Franca travelled 6.8km from one town to another town. where might have franca travelled?

i dont get q.5 either

To determine the possible locations where Franca might have traveled, we need more information. The distance of 6.8km is not sufficient to pinpoint the exact location. However, we can provide some general possibilities based on the given distance.

1. Within the same city or town: If Franca traveled within a city or town with a small geographical area, 6.8km could cover a relatively large portion of the city/town. In this case, Franca might have traveled from one neighborhood to another, from a residential area to a commercial district, or from one landmark to another.

2. Between nearby cities or towns: If Franca traveled between neighboring cities or towns, 6.8km can be a reasonable distance. This could be a typical daily commute or a short trip from one nearby city/town to another. Without specific geographical information, we cannot mention the exact cities/towns Franca might have traveled between.

3. Along a road or highway: If Franca traveled by car or any other vehicle along a roadway or highway, 6.8km could indicate a stretch of road between two points. This could be a section of a long journey or simply a short distance within a larger road network.

To get a more accurate answer regarding the possible travel locations for Franca, it would be helpful to have additional details such as the starting point, the destination, or any specific landmarks or cities involved.

Look at your map to find the answer.