I'm having trouble writing a sentence using the word accentuate

It means to give emphasis to something

To write a sentence using the word "accentuate" and correctly convey its meaning of giving emphasis to something, you can follow these steps:

1. Start with a subject: Choose a noun or pronoun that represents the thing being emphasized.
2. Choose a verb: Select an action word that describes the action of emphasizing.
3. Use the word "accentuate": Place the word "accentuate" in your sentence to explicitly indicate the act of giving emphasis.
4. Add an object: Include an object, which can be a noun or pronoun representing the thing receiving the emphasis.

Here is an example sentence using "accentuate":

"The bold font choice accentuates the importance of this heading."

In this sentence, "font choice" is the subject, "accentuates" is the verb, and "the importance of this heading" is the object. The use of "accentuates" clearly indicates that the bold font choice places emphasis on the significance of the heading.

There's an old song that admonishes us to

"Accentuate the postive,
Eliminate the negative,
Latch on to the affirmative,
Don't mess with Mister In-Between."
