Which sentence below contains a dangling modifier?

Finding a place to sleep, the bed was comfortable.
The bed was a comfortable place to sleep.
Finding a place to sleep was difficult.
Finding a place to sleep, the children thought the bed was comfortable

Is the bed looking for a place to sleep?

What do you think?

would not the dangling modifer be sentence 4?

The sentence "Finding a place to sleep, the bed was comfortable" contains a dangling modifier.

To identify a dangling modifier, we need to look for a phrase that describes an action or subject, but is not clearly connected to the intended noun or pronoun in the sentence. In this case, the phrase "Finding a place to sleep" is a participial phrase that describes an action, but it is not properly connected to the bed in the sentence.

To fix this, we can rewrite the sentence to clearly connect the subject of the modifier with the intended noun: "The bed was a comfortable place to sleep."