Based on the above stages, discuss what fredrick jackson turner asserted about each group's importance and relevance to the moving frontier including what their critical contributions were, or lack there of ,to the development of the american civilization.

above stages include: hunters, ranchers, resourse surplus, and merchants....

Frederick Jackson Turner, an American historian, focused on the concept of the frontier in shaping American civilization. According to Turner, each group that encountered the moving frontier played a distinct role in the development of American society. Let's discuss what Turner asserted about each group's importance and relevance, as well as their contributions or lack thereof:

1. Hunters: Turner emphasized the vital significance of hunters in the initial stages of the frontier. Hunters represented the pioneers and explorers who ventured into uncharted territories, establishing the initial contact with Native American cultures. Their contributions lie in their ability to adapt to and survive in challenging and unfamiliar environments. Their hunting skills, intimate knowledge of the land, and ability to establish relationships with indigenous peoples were crucial in expanding the frontier.

2. Ranchers: As the frontier advanced, ranchers followed the hunters, utilizing the vast grasslands for cattle grazing. Turner argued that ranchers' main contribution to American civilization was their ability to tame and utilize the natural resources found in the frontier. By domesticating animals and establishing ranching practices, they brought economic stability to the frontier regions and played a role in defining the American West.

3. Resource Surplus: The concept of resource surplus refers to the availability of abundant natural resources, such as timber, minerals, and fertile land, as the frontier moved westward. Turner believed that the existence of this resource surplus greatly impacted the development of American civilization. It attracted settlers, entrepreneurs, and industries, leading to economic growth and increased settlement. The exploitation and management of these resources played a significant role in the shaping of American society.

4. Merchants: Turner attributed the rise of merchants and traders to the development of American civilization on the frontier. As settlers established communities and towns, merchants became essential in facilitating trade and commerce. They provided goods and services to the growing population, creating networks of exchange that connected different regions. By facilitating economic activities, merchants contributed to the growth of towns and the establishment of local economies.

It's important to note that while Turner acknowledged the contributions of each group, he also recognized the limitations and shortcomings of their impact on American civilization. For instance, he highlighted the limited cultural and intellectual development in the frontier regions due to the focus on material prosperity and the absence of urban centers.

In conclusion, Turner asserted that each group had its unique importance in the development of American civilization. Hunters initiated contact with Native Americans, ranchers utilized the frontier's natural resources, the resource surplus attracted settlers and industries, and merchants facilitated trade and commerce. Understanding the different roles and contributions of these groups allows us to gain insights into the multifaceted nature of American expansion and progress during the frontier era.