1. What is 9.9 + (11 % 8)?

2. Write one line that creates a variable named Pickles that can hold an integer and assign it the value of ten.

To find the answer to the first question, we can follow the order of operations. The expression is "9.9 + (11 % 8)".

1. First, we calculate the modulo operation (represented by the "%" sign). The modulo operation returns the remainder of dividing the first number (11 in this case) by the second number (8). In this case, 11 divided by 8 equals 1 with a remainder of 3, so the result is 3.
2. Then, we add the result of the modulo operation (3) to 9.9. The sum is 9.9 + 3 = 12.9.

Therefore, the answer is 12.9.

To create a variable named "Pickles" that can hold an integer and assign it the value of ten, you can use the following code:

Pickles = 10

Here, we are declaring a variable called "Pickles" and assigning it the value 10. The data type of the variable is automatically determined based on the value assigned. Since we assigned an integer value, the variable "Pickles" will be of type integer.