i need to make a gold rube berg simple machine(i think that is what it is called) and i need some ideas and some tips


You're looking for a Rube Goldberg machine.

Check these sites.



You're welcome, Anna. Good luck with your machine.

It seems to me my son rigged up a machine to close his bedroom door when he was a kid.

To create a gold Rube Goldberg machine, you will need to design a complex contraption that performs a simple task through a series of chain reactions. Here are some ideas and tips to help you get started:

1. Choose a Task: Decide on a simple task that your Rube Goldberg machine will accomplish, such as turning on a light switch, popping a balloon, or dropping a small object into a cup.

2. Design the Sequence: Plan out a sequence of steps or actions that will lead to the completion of the task. Each step should trigger the next in a domino effect.

3. Explore Materials: Consider using a variety of materials like toy cars, marbles, pulleys, dominoes, ramps, levers, and inclined planes. Think about how each material can interact with the others to create a chain reaction.

4. Experiment and Test: Start assembling your gold Rube Goldberg machine by setting up the first action and ensuring it triggers the next one. Test each step thoroughly, fine-tuning as needed, until your machine reliably completes the task.

5. Add Decorations: To make your Rube Goldberg machine gold, consider using gold-colored or painted materials, like cardboard or plastic objects, as well as gold-colored paint or decorations.

6. Document the Process: Capture videos or photos of your machine in action. You can create a time-lapse video or take pictures at each step to show the intricate design and functioning of your gold Rube Goldberg machine.

7. Troubleshooting: Don't get discouraged if things don't work perfectly the first time. Tweaking and adjusting are part of the process. Identify any issues or breakdowns in your machine, and try to come up with creative solutions to improve its functionality.

Remember, the fun of a Rube Goldberg machine is in its creativity and complexity. Combine everyday objects with your imagination and have fun while designing and building your gold Rube Goldberg machine!