how do u draw an asymtote ?

diff btwn set and interval notation? and example plz

To draw an asymptote, follow these steps:

1. Determine the equation or function for which you want to draw an asymptote.
2. Identify the values for which the function approaches infinity (∞) or negative infinity (-∞), which are called vertical asymptotes. These values can be found by setting the denominator of a fraction in the function equal to zero and solving for x.
3. Plot vertical lines at the x-values of the vertical asymptotes.
4. Determine the values for which the function approaches a finite number (not infinity) at the extremities, which are called horizontal asymptotes. These values can be found by examining the behavior of the function as x approaches positive infinity or negative infinity.
5. Plot a horizontal line at the y-value of each horizontal asymptote.

As for the difference between set notation and interval notation:

Set Notation:
In set notation, the elements of a set are enclosed in curly brackets ({}) and separated by commas. It is commonly used to represent a collection of distinct elements.

Example: A = {1, 2, 3, 4}

Interval Notation:
In interval notation, intervals on the number line are used to represent a range of values. There are four types of interval notation: open interval (p, q), closed interval [p, q], half-open interval (p, q], and half-open interval [p, q).

Example: A = (1, 4] represents numbers greater than 1 but less than or equal to 4.

In summary, set notation is used to list the distinct elements of a set, while interval notation represents a range of values on the number line.