is caisted a word?

Apparently not.

is coasted a word sorry i wasn't born here so i don't really know a lot of words

thank you

Yes. Coasted is a word.

The children coasted down the hill on their sleds.

Joe coasted down the hill on his bike.

Check definitions 7 - 10 in this dictionary.

To check if "caisted" is a word, you can use a dictionary or an online dictionary tool. A popular online dictionary is Merriam-Webster ( Here's how you can use it:

1. Go to the Merriam-Webster website.
2. In the search bar at the top of the page, type in "caisted" and press Enter or click on the search icon.
3. The search results will show if "caisted" is recognized as a word. If it is, you will see its definition and any other relevant information. If it is not recognized, you might see suggested alternatives or a message indicating that the word does not exist.

Please note that the availability of a word in a dictionary can vary, as new words are constantly being added and older words may become obsolete.