imagine you are at a gas station filling your tank with gas. the function c(g) represents the cost c of filling the gas tank with g gallons. given the equation c(g)=3.03(g)

A. what does the number 3.03 represent
B.find c(2)
C.Find C(9)

A) The slope

B) C(2)=3.03(2)
C) C(9)=3.03(9)

c=3d for d , Help.

To answer these questions, let's break down the equation c(g) = 3.03(g):

A. What does the number 3.03 represent?
In the equation c(g) = 3.03(g), the number 3.03 represents the cost per gallon of gas. It tells us how much money we need to pay for each gallon of gas we fill into our tank.

B. Find c(2):
To find c(2), we substitute the value 2 into the equation c(g) = 3.03(g):
c(2) = 3.03(2) = 6.06
So, c(2) is equal to 6.06. This means it would cost $6.06 to fill the gas tank with 2 gallons of gas.

C. Find c(9):
To find c(9), we substitute the value 9 into the equation c(g) = 3.03(g):
c(9) = 3.03(9) = 27.27
So, c(9) is equal to 27.27. This means it would cost $27.27 to fill the gas tank with 9 gallons of gas.