What is the simple subject of this sentence "Behind the curtains, Devon was hiding from his sisters"

Who is doing the action?

I'll be glad to check your answer.


thanks Ms.Sue your a lot of help to me i bet i will get 100% on my CST Test!

You're welcome! And good luck on your state test.

To identify the simple subject in the given sentence "Behind the curtains, Devon was hiding from his sisters," we can follow these steps:

1. Find the main verb: In this case, the main verb is "was hiding" because "hiding" is the action that Devon is performing.
2. Ask the question: "Who or what was hiding?" Answering this question will help us find the subject.
3. In this sentence, "Devon" is the one who was hiding; hence, "Devon" is the simple subject.

So, the simple subject of the sentence is "Devon."