what happens if you add more borax to a slime receipe

If you add more borax to a slime recipe, it will affect the consistency and texture of the slime. Borax is often used as an activator in slime recipes, meaning it helps to create the slime's desired stretchy and cohesive properties. Adding more borax can make the slime firmer and less sticky.

To understand why this happens, it's important to know the science behind slime. Slime is made by mixing a glue-like substance (usually white school glue) with a solution that contains borax. The borax solution causes the polymer chains in the glue to cross-link, resulting in the formation of a gel-like substance.

When you add more borax, you are essentially increasing the number of cross-linking reactions that take place. This leads to a higher density of cross-linked polymer chains, making the slime more solid and less liquid. Therefore, the slime will become firmer, less sticky, and potentially less stretchy or pliable.

However, it's crucial to be cautious when experimenting with additional borax in a slime recipe. While a small increase may achieve the desired consistency, adding too much borax can make the slime brittle or even cause it to break apart. It is recommended to gradually add small amounts of borax solution until you reach the desired slime consistency.