

Find numbers a and b such that
a*b=4, and a+b=-5
i.e. a=-4, b=-1

To simplify the expression 2x^2 - 10x + 8, we can factorize it if possible. Let's go through the steps:

Step 1: Check if common factors can be factored out.
In this case, there are no common factors that can be factored out from all the terms.

Step 2: Check if it is a quadratic trinomial that can be factored.
A quadratic trinomial is a trinomial with the highest power term being of the second degree (x^2).

Step 3: To factorize a quadratic trinomial, we look for two binomials in the form (ax + b)(cx + d) that multiply together to give the original trinomial.

In our case, we have 2x^2 - 10x + 8.

Step 4: Multiply the values of a and c from the binomial form. We need to find two numbers whose product is 2 * 8 = 16.

Step 5: Find two numbers whose product equals 16 and whose sum equals the coefficient of the x term -10.

After considering various possibilities, -2 and -8 are the numbers that satisfy these conditions since (-2) * (-8) = 16 and (-2) + (-8) = -10.

Step 6: Now, we rewrite the middle term (-10x) as the sum of the two values we found in Step 5: -2x - 8x.

So, our quadratic trinomial 2x^2 - 10x + 8 can be factored as follows:
2x^2 - 2x - 8x + 8.

Step 7: Group the terms and factor by grouping:
(2x^2 - 2x) - (8x - 8).

Step 8: Factor out the common factors from each group:
2x(x - 1) - 8(x - 1).

Step 9: Notice that (x - 1) is the common factor in both terms. Factor it out:
(2x - 8)(x - 1).

Therefore, the factored form of the expression 2x^2 - 10x + 8 is (2x - 8)(x - 1).