lara and maria finished 3 4th of thier homework assigment. lara did 1 4th more of the assignment than maria. what fraction of the assignment. what fraction of the assignment did each girl finish?

There are several ways to do this. My way may not be the correct "math" way but then I am NOT a math teacher!

3/4 = 6/8. do you see why? If one finished 1/4 more, that is the same as saying 2/8. Subtract 2 from 6 and that leaves 4/8 (which is the same, by the way, as 2/4 or 1/2. Divide that in 2 and each girl finished 2/8 (or 1/4) = 4/8 (1/2) leaving the 2/8 (1/4) extra of the one girl.

I'm sure a math teacher will explain all this much better, if this is not clear to you!

Sra (aka Mme)