
i havent learn how to do a dble digit, how do u do this?

Count 10 + 2 pennies or M&Ms or beans.



1st you need to take the 2 and add it with the 0, So Its 2+0=2 the you put a 2 under the line.
Then you need to move over to the 1 and since there isnt anything under it you just bring the 1 down.


Hope It helps.


+ 2

you add each place value. you have to line up the numbers. You can think of 2 as 02. We just don't write 0 in front of numbers because it is pointless.

To solve a double-digit addition problem like 2 + 10, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Start by adding the rightmost digits (the ones place) of the two numbers. In this case, it is 2 + 0, which equals 2.

Step 2: If the sum of the digits in the ones place is 10 or greater, you need to carry over. Since 2 is less than 10, there's no need to carry over in this case.

Step 3: Write down the sum from Step 1 (2) below the line and carry over any value if necessary. In this case, you write down 2.

Step 4: Move to the next column (the tens place) and add the numbers in this column, along with any carried-over values. In this case, it is 1 + 1 (the carried-over value) + 0, which equals 2.

Step 5: Write down the sum from Step 4 (2) below the line.

Step 6: The final answer is the combination of the two sums. In this case, the final sum is 2 + 10 = 12.

So, 2 + 10 = 12.