what is the major product of this reaction CH2=CH-CH2CH3+H2O H2SO4

The reaction you provided is an acid-catalyzed hydration reaction. The major product of this reaction is 2-ethanol (also known as ethyl alcohol or ethanol), which is formed by the addition of water to the double bond of the initial alkene.

The reaction mechanism involves the following steps:

1. Protonation: The acid-catalyst (H2SO4) donates a proton (H+) to the double-bonded carbon of the alkene (CH2=CH-CH2CH3). This forms a more stable carbocation intermediate.

CH2=CH-CH2CH3 + H2SO4 → CH3-CH+-CH2CH3 + HSO4-

2. Nucleophilic attack: The water molecule (H2O) acts as a nucleophile, attacking the positively charged carbon of the carbocation. This results in the formation of a new bond between the carbon and oxygen atoms.

CH3-CH+-CH2CH3 + H2O → CH3-CH(OH)-CH2CH3 + H3O+

3. Deprotonation: The newly formed species (CH3-CH(OH)-CH2CH3) can lose a proton from the oxygen atom to reform the double bond, yielding the final product, 2-ethanol (CH3-CH=CH2).

CH3-CH(OH)-CH2CH3 → CH3-CH=CH2 + H2O

Therefore, the major product of the reaction CH2=CH-CH2CH3 + H2O (H2SO4) is 2-ethanol (CH3-CH=CH2).

To determine the major product of the reaction CH2=CH-CH2CH3 + H2O in the presence of H2SO4, we need to consider the type of reaction that will occur and the reactivity of the reactants.

In this case, the reactant CH2=CH-CH2CH3 is an alkene (specifically 1-butene) and H2SO4 is a strong acid. The reaction between an alkene and an acid is known as an acid-catalyzed hydration reaction.

During an acid-catalyzed hydration, the acid donates a proton (H+) to the alkene, forming a carbocation intermediate. Water then adds to the carbocation, leading to the formation of an alcohol.

In this reaction, the major product will be the alcohol formed by the addition of water to the alkene. Specifically, CH2=CH-CH2CH3 will react with H2O to form 2-butanol (CH3CH2CH(OH)CH3) as the major product.

Therefore, the major product of the reaction CH2=CH-CH2CH3 + H2O in the presence of H2SO4 is 2-butanol.

H2O adds across the double bond. It follows Markovnikov's rule.