cordyline terminails is the botanical name of the

There are many different names for this plant.

To find the botanical name of an organism, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the organism: In this case, the organism you are asking about is "cordyline terminails."

2. Search for the genus name: The botanical name is comprised of two parts, the genus name and the species name. In this case, "cordyline" is the genus name.

3. Search for the species name: The next step is to find the species name. Based on your question, "terminails" appears to be a misspelling. It is possible that the correct species name is "terminalis."

4. Combine the genus and species names: The final step is to combine the genus name "Cordyline" with the species name "terminalis," resulting in the botanical name "Cordyline terminalis."

Therefore, Cordyline terminalis is the botanical name of the organism you are referring to.