This question is:

How many orbitals are there in each of the following energy levels..
a) 1s
b) 6p
c) 10f
d) 7d
e) 5s

Now.. do i use n^2 for the number of orbitals in each energy level?
Ex. b) would be 36
OR can i state the number of orbitals in each sublevel using the shape?
Ex. b) would be 3

Please help :)

You have 1 s orbital, no matter where it is. You have 3 p orbitals, 5 d orbitals, 7 f orbitals.

spdf= 1,3,5,7
electrons in each = 2,6,10, 14

To determine the number of orbitals in each energy level, you need to consider both the principal quantum number (n) and the sublevel.

First, let's address the sublevel's contribution:

- The s sublevel has only one orbital.
- The p sublevel has three orbitals.
- The d sublevel has five orbitals.
- The f sublevel has seven orbitals.

Now, let's consider the principal quantum number (n):

The principal quantum number (n) represents the energy level of the electron. The formula for the maximum number of orbitals in an energy level is given by n^2.

Using this information, we can determine the number of orbitals in each energy level:

a) 1s:
Since n = 1, there is only one orbital in the 1s energy level, disregarding the shape of the sublevel.

b) 6p:
Since n = 6, there are 36 orbitals in the 6p energy level. This is calculated by multiplying the number of orbitals in the p sublevel (3) by the square of the principal quantum number (6^2 = 36).

c) 10f:
Since n = 10, there are 70 orbitals in the 10f energy level. This is calculated by multiplying the number of orbitals in the f sublevel (7) by the square of the principal quantum number (10^2 = 100), but in this case, we consider the maximum number of electrons that can be accommodated in the f sublevel.

d) 7d:
Since n = 7, there are 35 orbitals in the 7d energy level. This is calculated by multiplying the number of orbitals in the d sublevel (5) by the square of the principal quantum number (7^2 = 49), but again, we consider the maximum number of electrons that can be accommodated in the d sublevel.

e) 5s:
Since n = 5, there is only one orbital in the 5s energy level, disregarding the shape of the sublevel.

So, to recap, the number of orbitals in each energy level is as follows:
a) 1s: 1
b) 6p: 36
c) 10f: 70
d) 7d: 35
e) 5s: 1