need a list describing at least five similarities and three differences between plant and animal cells. In addition i need five internal structures of plant or animal cells and describe their functions in my own words.

A good website is called Animla and plants cells and shows pictures and is very informative.

It will not let me type in the web address, but it is called animals and plants. it is a site from Purchon so add the 3 w's and the . com then slash biology slash cells. That is my way of hopefully giving the site. I hope it helps and doesn't confuse.

To find similarities and differences between plant and animal cells, as well as information about their internal structures, you can refer to biology textbooks, online educational resources, or reputable websites. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to obtain the information you need:

1. Using a search engine, enter relevant keywords such as "similarities and differences between plant and animal cells" or "internal structures of plant and animal cells."

2. Look for reliable sources to gather information. Websites of educational institutions, biology-related websites, and scientific journals are often good sources.

3. Skim through the search results and click on links that seem relevant and reliable. Make sure to critically evaluate the sources to ensure accuracy and credibility.

4. Read the information provided and take notes on the similarities, differences, and internal structures you find. Organize the information into separate lists, one for similarities, one for differences, and another for internal structures.

Here's a sample list of similarities and differences between plant and animal cells:

1. Both plant and animal cells are eukaryotic cells.
2. They have a cell membrane that selectively controls the movement of substances in and out of the cell.
3. Both cells have a nucleus, which contains DNA and regulates cellular activities.
4. They contain cytoplasm, where various cell organelles are suspended.
5. Both cells have mitochondria, responsible for generating energy through cellular respiration.

1. Plant cells have a cell wall made of cellulose, providing structural support, which animal cells lack.
2. Chloroplasts, responsible for photosynthesis, are present in plant cells but not in animal cells.
3. Animal cells may have centrioles, which are important in cell division, while plant cells generally lack them.

Sample list of internal structures and their functions (choose five from either plant or animal cells):

1. Nucleus: Controls cellular activities and stores genetic information.
2. Mitochondria: Generates energy in the form of ATP through cellular respiration.
3. Endoplasmic reticulum: Involved in the synthesis, modification, and transport of proteins.
4. Golgi apparatus: Processes, modifies, and packages proteins for transport within and outside the cell.
5. Lysosomes: Contain digestive enzymes that break down waste materials and cellular debris.

Remember, the suggestions above are just examples. To get precise and accurate information, it is essential to consult reliable sources and verify the specific requirements of your assignment or study material.